1. What are the important deadlines?
We will provide all updated instructions and guidelines within the semester.
Getting into groups: To be confirmed.
Uploading final reflective journal: To be confirmed.
Group Web presentations onto web: To be confirmed.
2. Is there a web-based learning environment for the course? And why do students need to use it?
Moodle is the course learning management system where students will find all relevant information, including session materials, instructions and deadlines for assignments, and discussion forums.
It is also the e-portfolio system where students will develop their reflective journal and submit their web-presentation.
We will give all students in the course instructions on how to use both systems.
Details are in our Moodle space.
3. Are students required to have sophisticated skills in order to do web presentations?
No, they are not. Groups find that if they need to pick up skills they can do so as they plan and develop their presentation. Presentations can in any case involve anything from a simple poster to a substantial edited video. So there is plenty of room for groups to draw on whatever abilities their members have.
4. How long is the course, and what is the workload?
One Semester (138 hours). We offer the course in every semester, with 6 credits.
138 hours include lectures (24hrs), tutorials (12hrs), reading/self-study (48hrs), Assessment / Reflective Journal (27hrs.) and Group Web Presentation (27hrs.).
5. What if I have more questions?
Questions about the nature, content and philosophy of the course etc? Brenda Alegre
Questions about how we deliver the course, including about Moodle? Meg Baguio
Questions about getting onto the course? Common Core Office
Questions about Tutorials? Meg Baguio
Questions about anything else? Brenda Alegre