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Course Program


Students enrolled in this course will experience a unique combination of assessment approaches, including Queer Chronicles and Visual/Performance Web Presentations (each contributing to the total available marks).


*Queer Chronicle questions will be provided during Tutorial Classes and/or on Moodle. Using Moodle (submitted as Turnitin Assignment), students will write about issues raised in Lectures, Tutorials, and reading materials, as required by questions and tasks set by course designers. Some of these questions will be shared during Tutorials, without prior announcement, attendance is encouraged.

**Pair – choose a classmate to work with within your preferred tutorial class.

***Group work – tutorial groups are automatic group mates. Using YouTube and then Moodle, students in groups will upload a web presentation that presents a Queer Art / Performance.

These requirements are subject to change. Students will be informed accordingly during the lecture or tutorials.

Lecture Day / Time: Wednesdays / 12:30-2:20PM (1230-1420HRS)


12) 17 Apr 2024 - Asian American bromance, “Fire Island” (U.S.), interview with director, Andrew Ahn; student group presentations

13) 24 Apr 2024 - Student Group Presentations


NOTE: The topics listed above are part of our provisional list only. Students will be notified for any changes. 

Please check the University Calendar to know the Official Local and University Holidays. When in doubt, check with your respective Departments.

We update our course Moodle constantly so please check it out as well.

An informal Contract


  • We are committed to delivering high quality and unforgettable learning experiences that broaden like no others available at this University.


We ask in turn that you :

A. Respect the course and the presenters / guest speakers by:

  • 1. Coming to all lectures and tutorials

  • 2. Being on time and staying the whole session

  • 3. Being attentive, and appearing to be attentive

  • 4. Participating

B.  Respect the university and its cleaning staff by taking your garbage with you.


This course reflects a commitment to:

  • Respect human diversity

  • Respect personal freedom

  • Promote the arts and equal opportunity

© 2010–2023 Sexuality & Gender: Diversity & Society | Queering Art, Performances, and Cities at HKU

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