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Web Presentation 1

Group 3 Sexuality & Gender: Diversity & Society

2010-11 Semester 1


  • Introduction

Our video is aimed at provoking more thoughts and changes of attitudes towards the transsexual people. Transsexual people have been discriminated and isolated by the majority of the society for a long time. They are vulnerable in a number of ways (Baird 2001). Transsexual people generally suffer from economic and social marginalization and even violence as well as have less opportunity. All these can pose great threat to their physical and mental health. However, what our group agrees is that every person has the right to be whom he/she really is and people by means should be ‘penalized’ for trying to become the true self. So we came up with the idea to focus on the transsexual people who are always struggling about whether to ‘come out’ or not. They are held in a dilemma where one side is the pleasure to be themselves but possible transphobia from others and the other side is to appear ‘normal’ on the outside but desperately trapped in the wrong body. The target audiences of this video are mainly two groups of people: the majority of the society and the transsexuals. For people with gender identity difficulties, we want to deliver the message from the video that everyone is born equal and everyone has the right to be their true self.


  • How we did the video

The filming process took two days and it was fun and interesting. In the first day, we filmed most of the scenes. In the second day, we added monologue onto it and filmed some of scenes again because we got better ideas to make the video more entertaining and educational. It was a tough job because we just could not help laughing during the filming process, since we have never filmed such video before. The video has not been finished after filming because a lot of refinement is needed. Some scenes needed to be cut and connected together. After that, we added some effects(eg: fading out) , background music, voice-over and finally the subtitles. Our video is finished after these post production were done! We hope you will enjoy watching it!


  • Reference

Baird V. 2001. The No-nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity. Oxford: New International Publications in Association with Verso. 143p.
Rathus SA, Neivd SJ and Fichner-Rathus L. 2008. Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 713p


  • Credits

LAI Hiu Ling, Erica: Executive Producer, Monologue, Script Writer, Actor, Cinematographer, Cameraman, Proofreader.
Xu Wanting, Wendy: Video Monologue Writer, Actor, Writer - supplementary material. 
Yu Wai Yan, Alice: Actor, Writer - supplementary material (Production process of our group presentation).
Cheng Ka Lee, Kylie: Video Editor including the subtitles of the video.
Chan Ho Ting, Oli: Actor.

Anchor 1

Web Presentation 2

Group 6 Sexuality & Gender: Diversity & Society

2010-11 Semester 1


  • Introduction

Have you considered that, transgender issue, a long-standing but also long-neglected problem, may be around you without you noticing it? The number of transgender people is often underestimated by lots of you, but what would you react if, all of a sudden, you find out someone you liked before turned out to be a transgender? Transgender people, being a minority group, are discriminated once their identities are unveiled to the public, and they are dying every single day out of the hostility and hatred of so-called normal people. And this is exactly what our story is telling about a transgender girl committed suicide when she can no longer endure her roommate’s cold eyes and all the insulting behaviors just because she is a trans. Love is now or never, it’s gonna be too late when your indifference and disgust already killed someone! With your love, help transgender!


  • A few words

Rather than group assignment, we’d like to say that it is a group achievement! We decided this topic, made up this story, distributed work together in a quite short time. High efficiency of everyone of us contributed greatly to this work. We are proud of this video!


  • Reference

Music: Every Morning - Shutter Island Soundtrack. On The Nature Of Daylight - Inception Soundtrack. Dream is Collapsing - Hans Zimmer


  • Credits

Tong Wing Man: Actor
Wang Miaozi: Editor and Camera, Dubber

David Yip: Music and Camera

Zhang Yuwei: Subtitle and introduction

Xie Yunqi: Subtitle

Wu Qiao Shu: Actor and Subtitle

Web Presentation 3

Group 12 Sexuality & Gender: Diversity & Society

2010-11 Semester 1


  • Introduction

Our movie, entitled ‘Be who you are’, encourage people especially homosexuals to be brave and face the true feeling of own self.

The board written ‘homosexual’ implies the identity of being a homosexual. Sometimes homosexuals may find it a burden to admit and confess their sexual orientation (symbolized by the action of picking up the board), so some of them choose to suppress or deny their real emotion.

The monster in the movie symbolizes the fear and what homosexuals assume the world to be. It is actually an false illusion that the society would exclude and not accept them.

The door in the movie implies the psychological boundaries of homosexuals to face the outside world and public. Sense of fear, confusion and detachment discouraged them to recognize and acknowledge their own emotion and sexual orientation. In many cases, they are in doubt and quite a number of them choose to suppress and ignore those feeling.

However, if they can pluck up their courage to face it, they could find that there are actually many people support and accept them.

As Dr. Seuss has said, ‘Be who you are and say what you feel’. The most important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.


  • A few words

It is undoubtedly a prolonged and continuous pathway to explore and identify our own underlying feelings and emotions, what we truly want and touch.

Especially for homosexuals, even when they recognize their sexual orientation, they may feel fear to admit and accept this.

Often they think themselves the solitary and excluded minority which are isolated and banished by the society. They feel lonely and misunderstand in many different occasions. The world and those so called ‘moral’ and ‘ethics’ seem dark and horrible to them which hinder their steps to confess their sentiments.

Anchor 2
Anchor 3

Exhibit: Transcendence Journey: Incarnation of Charm and Elegance

Exhibition Information:

Transcendence Journey: Incarnation of Charm and Elegance showcases a collection of photos and life stories of eleven people from the transgender community who despite having different backgrounds and life journeys, transcend by embracing themselves and living a full and authentic life.

Through sharing their unique stories filled with both ups and downs, we hope to reduce misunderstanding towards transgender people, encourage a more inclusive culture and inspire everyone to be compassionate towards one another.

Photo Exhibition Date: 15 – 30 Nov 2021

Location: G/F Main Library, HKU

Credits: Students of CCHU9007 AY 2021-22 1ST SEMESTER


We are humbled, reminded, committed and to ensure that our course remains important, exciting, and relevant. 



It is no wonder that the most memorable course that I have taken during my undergraduate studies at HKU was the broadening course “Sexual and Gender Diversity”. It is hard to summarise the experience of studying the course but indeed if I have to use one word to describe it, it must be “eye-opening”. The topics covered in the 3 months ranged from LGBTQ politics to sexual behaviour like sadomasochism. I spent 13 years of primary and secondary education at a local Catholic girls? school and it would be an understatement to say that these topics were taboo. It was hard to discuss issues of sexuality seriously in the open and I grew up in an atmosphere of homophobia.


And along came SGD. I still recall how much fun I had and how much I have learnt through the course. From a gay reverend to transgendered individuals, the guest speakers each week shared with us their experiences and I find that very moving because every one of them was so willing to reveal parts of their personal lives to us complete strangers. It takes much courage to open up like that! At the end of the semester, we worked on a group project and with the help of our instructor, my extremely brave male classmate literally put himself into the shoes of a cross-dresser. I was there watching his transformation –putting on makeup, a wig, a dress — and was astonished by how beautiful he actually looked. And as he shared with us his feelings on the experience afterwards, it was as if through him, we had a chance to peek into the life of a closeted cross-dresser — and what a rare opportunity that was!


The course in itself has an important function too. It gives the marginalised in society a voice — a chance to speak up for themselves. The whole “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude permeates our community, but why should it? And in case you are wondering, I am pro-gay rights not because of my sexual orientation — I do believe that whether I am straight, lesbian or bisexual is an entirely irrelevant question. Everyone deserves respect — and everyone has the right to live freely, with dignity, and be relieved of labelling, discrimination, and social stigma. Being gay does not make someone a lesser being. Enjoying cross-dressing does not make someone a freak.

This 3-credit broadening course does not merely exist for the purposes of undergraduates fulfilling credit requirements, but genuinely creates a space in the university that allows for open conversations and deep, engaging discussions on topics that we are afraid to even bring up or give it the slightest mention in our daily lives. It even sparked off my academic interest in gender studies — I am currently writing an undergraduate thesis on the problems with accommodating feminist rights and cultural rights in international human rights law at my home faculty. Moreover, I have just enrolled into a Master’s programme titled “Comparative Women’s Studies in Culture and Politics” at Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands. I most certainly look forward to my time in the country and I hope to bring home new perspectives and to inspire more people around me to become more open-minded and accepting individuals. Culture does not transform overnight — but I believe that by changing people's attitudes one person at a time, one day, we will see institutionalised changes like equal rights legislation, and one day, we will see smiling homosexual couples holding hands on the streets and no one will point an incriminating finger, nor whisper insulting remarks behind their backs.


Evelyn Wan

BSocSci (Govt & Laws) III

10 Mar 2010

  • ‘I would recommend the course to other students who want to broaden their view on sex. This is the only chance to know some sexual issues which are seldom discussed publicly.’

  • ‘Would I recommend this course to other students?….
    Yes Yes Yes!  This course opened my mind and opened my eyes!’

  • This course truly inspires me!  Before attending this course, I knew nothing about sexual minority and I admit I have prejudice and misconceptions towards them. For example I don’t realize that there is something called “intersex”!  I think thru talking with them in person, I understand their life more and respect them more.’

  • ‘In this course, we can really broaden our horizon.  We can cover the topics like homosexuality, transgender, adult-child sex relationship, etc. that we have never touched or even talked in other lectures before.  Attending this course is really a valuable experience.’

  • ‘This is a very special course. The things taught in this course are inspiring.  No other course can talk about sex with such an open mind.’

  • ‘This course opened my mind and opened my eyes!’

  • ‘The course really achieved the purpose of broadening.  Because it is very interactive, especially inviting guest speakers who really live ‘in’ the topic that is being taught that day. They not only share their knowledge on that topic but their experience and the most important thing of all their feeling’. Videos in the class are touching, which made us understand more.’

SGDS Semester 2 student, Castiel, won two tickets for the Il Divo concert last 18th March. He is congratulated here by SGDS Course Presenter Dr. Sam Winter. Castiel, got the highest score in a surprise activity of the course which got all students excited and competing for the much coveted prize. This among many possible surprises await our SGDS students apart from the great learning experience.


SGDS Semester 2 student Castiel, at the Il Divo concert, in which he won two tickets after getting a perfect score in one of our Surprise activities in the course.

© 2010–2023 Sexuality & Gender: Diversity & Society | Queering Art, Performances, and Cities at HKU

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