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Recommended Resources



1.      Davis, H.F. (2017). Besyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? (LGBTQ Politics). NYU Press.

2.      Lorber, J. and Farrell, S.A. (1991). The Social Construction of Gender. Sage Publications.

3.      Feinberg, L. (1997). Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman. Beacon Press.

4.      Stryker, S. (2006). Chapter: DeSubjugrated Knowledges: An Introduction to Transgender Studies. Taken from The Transgender Studies Reader. Routledge Press. Eds. Stryker and Whittle, S.

5.      Serano, J. (2007). Chapter: Transgender MAnifestor. Taken from Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity (Paperback). Seal Press.

6.      Stone, S. (1992). The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto. Indiana University Press.

7.      Raymond, J. (1994). Chapter: Sappho by Surgery. Taken from “Transsexual Empire”. Beacon Press. Pp. 100 ff.

8.      Alegre, B. (2018). Chapter: From Bakla to Transpinays. Taken From The Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia. Routledge International. Eds. Kennedy, K and Lee, J. ISBN 9781138908499 - CAT# Y186094. Section 16 – Chapter 82.

9.      Brewer, C. (2001). Holy Confrontation Religion, Gender and Sexuality in the Philippines. Institute of Women’s Studies, St. Scholastica’s College Press.

10.    Brewer, C. (1999). Chapter:  Baylan, Asog, Transvestism, and Sodomy: Gender, Sexuality and the Sacred in Early Colonial Philippines. Taken from Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context.

11.    Garcia, JN.(1996): Chapter: “Pre-Colonial Cross-Dressing and the Babaylan Chronicles in the Philippines”Taken from Philippine Gay Culture: Binabae to Bakla, Silahis to MSM. The University of the Philippines Press.

12.    Winter, S. (2006). Thai Transgenders in Focus: Their Beliefs About Attitudes Towards and Origins of Transgender. International Journal of Transgenderism. Taylor and Francis online. Pages 15-27 | Received 15 Jan 2004, Accepted 21 May 2004, Published online: 17 Oct 2008.

13.    Jackson, P. (2003). Global Queering and Global Queer Theory: Thai [Trans]genders and [Homo]sexualities in World History.

14.    Jackson, P. (2003). Chapter: Performative Genders, Perverse Desires: A Bio-History of Thailand's Same-Sex and Transgender Cultures. Taken from Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context, Issue 9, August 2003.

15.    Kang, D. (2014). Conceptualizing Thai Genderscapes: Transformation and Continuity in the Thai Sex/Gender System. Chapter from book Contemporary Socio-Cultural and Political Perspectives in Thailand (pp.409-429).

16.    Being LGBT in the Philippines: Country Report : UNDP.USAID.

17.    Barea, M. (2011) From the Iron to the Lady: The Kathoey Phenomenon in Thai Cinema. Thesis. Sesión no numerada: Revista de letras y ficción audiovisual Núm. 2 (2012): 190-202.

18.    Suriyasarn, B. (2014). Gender identity and sexual orientation in Thailand Promoting Rights, Diversity and Equality in the World of Work (PRIDE) Project ILO Country Office for Thailand, Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic Gender identity and sexual orientation in Thailand. Published by ILO, 2014.

19.    (No Designated Author). The Book of Transgender in Hong Kong: by Transgender Resource Centre (TGR). Source Link :

20.    Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Hong Kong: A Case for the Strategic Use of Human Rights Treaties and the International Reporting Process Carole J. Petersen*

21.    Chiang, Henry and Leung (2018). Chapter: Trans in Asia, Asia in Trans. Taken from Transgender Studies Quarterly (TSQ). Pp. 298- 310. Duke University Press.

22.    Leung. Chapter: Unsung Heroes: Reading Transgender Subjectivities in Hong Kong Action Cinema (pp. 81-98). Taken From Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema. Eds. Pang and Wong. Hong Kong University Press.

23.    Aizura, A. (2012). Chapter: Transnational transgender rights and immigration law. Pp. 133- 150.  Taken from Transfeminist Perspectives in and beyond Transgender and Gender Studies. Temple University Press.


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